Vol. 1, No. 2, 2020

Psychoanalysis In the Western Ghats

Issue Editors: Ashish Rajadhyaksha and Anup Kumar Dhar

Associate Editor: Saurabh Chowdhury

This Special Issue of the Journal of Practical Philosophy is a collation of the case records and writings of the Mumbai-based psychoanalyst, Shailesh Kapadia. Shailesh Kapadia is from Gujarat. He practiced psychoanalysis in the financial capital of India, Mumbai. He was trained in “object-relations” in the Tavistock gharana. Psychoanalysis in the Western Ghats is a shorthand for the complex enunciation of the philosophy and praxis of psychoanalysis in the west coast of India. It metaphorizes the western-ness of analytic experience in the Western Ghats. It also metaphorizes the Gujarati-ness of analytic practice informed by British schools. The Trishanku nature of psychoanalysis in India is thus foregrounded. Needless to reiterate, we see psychoanalysis and practical philosophy as apposite exercises.